Thursday, July 24, 2014

July 13 through July 19

A lot has happened this week including the Harris family reunion...which you will hear more about later. Before I write about anything else, let me remind all not to leave the gas running too long before you light the grill. I stood too close and singed my hair and scary! Also, Seth and I got in the hot tub and had to make a run for it. I won't explain that story.
I started doing some family history, which I've never really gotten into before. But I'm so glad I started, because I feel so motivated now and excited to learn about my ancestors. I've already found some names that Seth and I can take to the temple. I keep thinking of the scripture that the hearts of the children will turn to their fathers. I am starting to gain a testimony of that.
Seth and I have been watching Sherlock...which I am so addicted to already! If you have not seen this show, go and watch some! It's on Netflix and it is sooooo good! Some other things that have been happening are: I went swimming with sisters and cousin at an awesome outdoor swimming pool in Ogden. Sethy and I went out to eat at Pizza Hut! Seth is doing great at work and is appreciated at the Kemmerer site. Sethy and I dedicated where we live (the basement:) I tried making hot dog sandwiches for my husband because we were out of lunch meat. They were sick and I don't blame him at all for not taking his lunch with him to work :)

Martin's Cove
 Thank you Marsha and Joe for organizing the weekend. You guys did amazing. Here's Seth and I's version.

friday- Seth got off of work early and we packed up and left.  We didn't end up getting into Casper until later that night, but at least we filled up a cooler with medicine pop that the family emptied (aka caffeinated.) We had to run to Wal-Mart for some shoes and socks, then we got a burrito at Q'doba. I miss Q'doba so bad from Laramie! I love those burritos. Anyways, they gave us coupons for free breakfast burritos, so we skipped the continental breakfast and got delicious burritos instead on the way to the cove on Saturday morning. We were SO HAPPY to get a hotel room. It was like a mini-honeymoon all over again. We even used a bath bomb that turned the water purple! It was so fun. Bed time.

saturday-  The Smith missionary couple took us around all day and there was a lot of talking, Lily hanging on the handcart, and desert. We walked around Martin's Cove and took stops along the way. We took a family picture, attacked others with spear weeds, learned about the 4 rescuers before the river crossing, played in the river, and then Seth pioneered it. He walked BAREFOOT the rest of the way along with Mark, Eric, and Laura. I don't know about you guys, but Seth got big blisters on the bottom of his heels. I felt so bad :( After that was the woman's pull. Seth helped me realized that I never had to be alone in things, that I would always have him by my side. I will never deserve my sweet husband and how wonderful he is to me. We had a delicious Subway lunch and pizza dinner, where the highlight of the weekend happened. When Uncle James yelled, HIP HIP! And the crowd of Harris' yelled back, "HOORAY!" Some were confused, yes, but it was hilarious and I will never ever forget that moment. Ha it sounded more like Heeeip Heeeip! Grandma also said it later after square dancing :) Later after dinner, we square danced and it took awhile for me to get into it, but Seth was making me laugh so that made it a lot better. During the last song of dancing which I though was pretty fun, you could tell that people were getting tired. It was "Oh Johnny, Oh Johnny, Oh.." Near the end, people started colliding together and Uncle James started dancing in a very silly way. It was just falling apart and what make it more hilarious was Seth saying, "No Johnny, No Johnny, NOOOOO!!! " :) It was fun though, and later on there was an epic pool party with Bobbi (Seth's loud speaker) set on Pandora country. Then Seth and I escaped and went to Sonic with Julia, and we went back to the hotel room with Mark and Eric, chowed down, and watched Cutthroat kitchen. I fell asleep pretty fast.

p.s. It feels like a tornado is coming constantly at the cove, and there are a ton of cops near Casper. #sorrymark

sunday- Seth and I were exhausted that morning and Seth could barely walk. We went to the Martin's Cove branch sacrament meeting and Seth helped pass the sacrament. Then we went out into the tornado to eat a nice lunch. Mark sat across from us who can never stop talking in hashtags #winning. I conveniently left my phone at the hotel, so Seth and I left in a rush. Then as we were leaving, I realized that I didn't want to drive an extra 3 hours. So we turned around and drove home :)

I'm so grateful for the pioneers and how much they sacrificed to make their trip out West.

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